A Sedgefield resident was startled this past weekend (Saturday, 8 February) by strange noises coming from his yard between 22:00 and 23:00. After finding nothing amiss, he returned to bed, only to wake in the early hours of the morning to discover that his storeroom had been broken into and items stolen.
Upon closer inspection later in the morning, it became apparent that both storerooms had been vandalised. The resident immediately contacted Milverton ADT and reported the incident to the local SAPS.
Thanks to swift action by the community and security officers, some stolen items were recovered from nearby bushes. A vigilant neighbour informed officers that they had spotted a potential suspect carrying a television and attempting to board a bus. Officer Lee-Roy Baaitjies from Milverton ADT, who attended the scene, recognised the bus in question and alerted SAPS to contact the driver. The bus driver confirmed seeing the suspect but noted that the individual had fled after dropping the television when the bus stopped. The television was later found in the bushes.
Milverton ADT Garden Route Branch Manager, Ivor Claasen, praised the teamwork involved: “We commend the community, Officer Baaitjies, and the local SAPS for their cooperation. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, we recovered stolen equipment worth R33,000.”
Claasen urged residents to immediately contact their security provider if they hear suspicious noises. “It’s important to call trained professionals who can assess the risk and support you. You never know whether suspects may be armed,” he concluded.
This collaborative effort highlights the value of vigilance and strong community ties in crime prevention.