Company Profile

Corporate Governance

The Group prides itself in a long-standing commitment to ethical behavior. We constantly reinforce this commitment among our senior executives in the belief that they should be seen to be active champions of this philosophy.

The internal audit department monitors compliance, and where necessary, the Board of Directors will act on non-compliances. The Code of Ethics applies to all shareholders, directors, managers, employees, suppliers, financiers, clients and competitors.

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)

The safety of all our employees, customers and the communities within which we operate are of the utmost importance. For this reason we take every measure, from Management commitment to top-notch training and culture change development to ensure the highest level of compliance.

We have a team of dedicated HSE Specialists who assist employees, operational staff and Branch Managers across all divisions to comply with all legal requirements as well as company policies and procedures.

All our employees go through induction and we provide access to all HSE related documents via our internal online portal.

Milverton has also received the ISO 45001 certification. Milverton’s primary aim is to meet the safety and security needs of people, but in doing so, the Group also recognises it has an impact on the environment, both directly through operating its offices, and indirectly through meeting the investment needs of its customers.

Milverton has committed its business, countrywide, to applying best practice in environmental management, by applying The Green Path process they set the following environmental objectives:
  • Ensuring compliance with all local, national and international regulations applicable to its business services.
  • Minimising the consumption of energy, water and material resources in its operations and where practical, to re-use and recycle materials.
  • Avoiding, where possible, the use of materials across its operations that may cause harm to the environment.
  • Promoting internal awareness of environmental issues with its staff and to provide appropriate training where necessary.
  • Supporting, through its community assistance programmes, the promotion of environmentally related initiatives, such as tree planting by its employees and relevant external groups.
  • To engage with its key stakeholders to ensure it is responsive to their expectations and strives to achieve ongoing performance improvements.
Milverton Security Service

Risk Management

Milverton acknowledges its responsibility for risk management and has implemented various control systems to regularly identify, evaluate and manage significant risks. These systems provide reasonable, albeit not absolute, assurance that risks are adequately managed. The Group is exposed to a variety of risks including credit, market, operational, strategic and reputational risk. Insurance and related matters are also dealt with as part of the centralised insurance program and are monitored regularly. The execution of risk policy is delegated to management and monitored by internal audit

The Risk Committee meets every quarter and reports its activities to the Board on that basis. The Committee is mandated by a Terms of Reference as approved by the Board, while management is responsible for implementing and managing the risk profile of the Group

The Management of Risk in the Milverton Security Group Proprietary Limited is an on-going process and remains pivotal to the success of the Group Executive Management and the various operating divisions in the Group have in-depth consultations during internal audits with the external auditors

Human Resources

The Milverton Security Group continues to offer opportunities to its people in order to develop their skills and competencies for current and future roles. Success at all levels is dependent on appointing the right people in the right positions. Our human resource strategies are aimed at ensuring that all staff is competent in their roles through continuous performance appraisals, assessments and on-going legislative and non-legislative training

Communication structures take various forms appropriate to the nature and location of the business entities, and are supported by a representational relationship with employee bodies and trade unions. Employee advancement is encouraged and assisted by participative structures for employment matters, training, non-discrimination and equal opportunities for all employees

The Group continues to strive for a workforce structure that is representative of the country’s demographics, not only at supervisory level, but increasingly within all levels of the management structure. This is being achieved through fair workplace practices, staff advancement and training programs
Human Resources - company profile

Rewards for employees include incentives, bravery awards, long service awards and peer recognition through an annual awards ceremony. The Group complies with the requirements of the Employment Equity Act

Milverton has a genuine concern for the emotional, physical and financial well- being of all its employees. This is evident in its fully functional Employee Assistance Program in the form of qualified professional counselors. Employees are afforded free access to counselors

The Employee Wellness Program continues its focus on:

  • HIV and Aids Training and awareness
  • Trauma and other Counseling
  • Injury on duty incidents and follow ups
  • Diabetes testing

Employee Value Proposition

Employment relationships are managed through various unions at ground and Senior Exco level with office and administration staff. As evidenced by the various long service awards and share allocations, it is clear that as the employer of choice in the industry, Milverton ensures all their staff is well cared for. Mechanisms are in place to report non-compliance. Employee wellness and risk management programs provide support and counseling for trauma, social, financial, emotional or work-related problems. Workshops and voluntary HIV testing and counseling are also part of the employee assistance program
Education of employees is achieved via bursaries, learnerships, external workshops, and internal development programs, at all levels

Corporate Social Investment (CSI)

The Board of Milverton Security Group has established the Transformation, Social and Ethics committee to address all its CSI initiatives

The committee’s duties are to fulfill the social and economic development, including the group’s standing in terms of the goals and purposes of:
  • The ten principles set out in the United Nations Global Compact Principles
  • The recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on Corruption
  • The Employment Equity Act
  • The Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act
  • Good Corporate Citizenship, including the promotion of equality and prevention of unfair discrimination and reduction of corruption
  • Contribution to development of communities in which the Group’s activities are conducted or services and products marketed
  • Recording sponsorships, donations and other charities given
  • The environment and health and safety, including the impact of the group’s activities or its products and services sold
  • The monitoring of consumer relationships, including advertising, public relations and compliance with consumer protection laws
  • The monitoring of labour and employment issues
  • To report and draw attention to the Board on all the above matters that may be of concern once assessed
The Group has made significant progress in the Following areas:
  • Social and Economic Development : Milverton conducts its business with due regard to all human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption processes and has mechanisms for reporting monitoring and correct such deviations as and when they arise
  • Good Corporate Citizenship: Milverton has adequate social investment initiatives in place to support education, training, sporting and other charitable initiatives
  • Assessment of the Ethical Risk Profile: Corruption and fraud management is a critical priority management via internal audit and the Tip –Off anonymous line. The Group’s code of ethics and encouragement of ethical behavior on an on-going basis, together with integrity tests and ad-hoc lifestyle audits, is aimed at policing this
  • Consumer Relationships: Compliance, as appropriate, is actively managed at all levels, and the Group legal team is tasked with assessing and reporting on this regularly from a legislative perspective

Milverton Foundation

To empower communities in impoverished areas to live productive, healthy and fulfilling lives through our focus areas of education, health, sports and entrepreneurship


  • Creating sustainable programmes that will provide permanent life skills such as training for Early Childhood Development (ECD) teachers
  • Providing capital to handicapped individuals to buy wheelchairs and/or adjust their living areas to support and empower their freedom of movement
  • Partnering with organisations to ensure the viable sustainability of these programmes
  • Participating in programmes that contribute to the reduction of crime in our country
  • Providing grants to small businesses employing vulnerable individuals, for example, widows who have lost breadwinners
  • Collaborating with government departments on certain projects, such as the Department of Education for ECD teacher training
Milverton Foundation logo


The Group has retained an Empowerdex AAA+ accreditation through Milverton Security Services (Pty) Ltd by ensuring compliance with the Generic Scorecard released by the Department of Trade and Industry
  • The Group is committed to transformation as defined in the B-BBEE codes of good practice
  • The group has facilitated several successful BEE initiatives, which include creating opportunities for black entrepreneurs to buy into the Group
  • These initiatives allow BEE entrepreneurs, SMME’s and other outside players to benefit from the Group’s infrastructure, and to leverage off the management expertise
  • Within the Group itself, transformation continues to be a priority with opportunities created for previously disadvantaged individuals
  • The Procurement division is tasked with vigorously pursuing the development of black female owned enterprises at all levels
  • Our aim is to improve the lives of all historically disadvantaged communities including black disabled people, black youth, black unemployed people and black females

If you are looking to work for Milverton, please take a look at our career portal and send us your CV here
