Milverton inSure - green
Stay calm when things go wrong. That’s the new normal.

Losing your cool is a thing of the past with Milverton inSure.

We’ve partnered with Auto & General* to bring you Milverton inSure – an all-in-one insurance offering covering vehicle, roadside, home, accident, trauma and legal assistance and benefits.

Milverton's Insure - Homeowners insurance

Sign up with Milverton inSure

For an obligation free quote, enquire now and Milverton inSure will contact you.
To get in touch you can also reach us on 0861112971

If you are looking to work for Milverton, please take a look at our career portal and send us your CV here

Personal vehicle insurance
If you’re looking to insure your motor vehicle (new or preowned), motorcycle, off-road vehicle, or your family caravan or trailer, Milverton inSure’s vehicle insurance is the ideal product. We offer insurance options with different levels of cover.

Homeowners insurance
This covers the actual structure of your home against loss or damage. It covers your home against the following:
Milverton's Insure - Homeowners insurance
Milverton's Insure - Home contents insurance
Home contents insurance
Milverton inSure’s home contents insurance offers cover for all the items that you have filled your house with, against theft, loss, and accidental damage. Under home contents insurance we offer cover for the following:
Portable possession insurance
This covers you specifically for items that you carry around with you daily. Some of these items are already covered under our home contents insurance, but you also have the option to specify your more expensive items and insure them for their correct replacement value. We call these Specified and Unspecified items. The less expensive items are considered Unspecified and your more expensive items are the Specified items. These could include:
Unspecified items:
Like your jewellery, clothes and personal items worn or carried with you, will be covered against loss, damage, and theft up to a certain amount on your schedule.
Specified Items:
Like your prescription glasses, contact lenses, cell phones, valuable jewellery and clothing, cameras, laptops, handbags (and their contents) – in fact anything that’s over the standard amount must be specified and covered for their replacement value, so that you are covered against loss, damage, and theft.
* Auto & General is an authorised Insurer & FSP. Ts & Cs apply.
Milverton Insure - Portable possession insurance
Entertainment assist
With Milverton inSure, you’ll have access to information regarding all major entertainment events, the booking of hotel accommodation, restaurants, and general travel arrangements.
Medical assist
Emergency access to:
Milverton inSure - Medical assist
Road Assist
Rapid access to roadside emergency solutions
Breakdown assistance
Milverton inSure also pays up to R500 toward the cost of collecting the vehicle and returning it to your normal place of residence after the repair has been affected. The Breakdown assistance service has a maximum annual limit of three callouts per insured vehicle.
Milverton's Accident assistance
Accident assistance
This is done through our towline and includes towing to the nearest approved panel beater/yard after an accident and collision procedure advice. There is no limit to the number of callouts per insured vehicle.

Trauma assist
This is operated through a nationwide network of over 110 recognised trauma centres, which offers you: – Three face-to-face trauma counselling sessions – Assistance with courtroom preparation for witnesses/survivors – Referral to group therapy and support groups – Accompaniment to ID parades and court hearings and – Referral to a place of safety or shelter.

Home assist
Legal Assist
Qualified attorneys guide you through the legal process and provide telephonic legal and tax advice services for the following: – Legal documentation, e.g. sale, lease, power of attorney agreements, wills, and contracts – Courtroom preparation – Contractual law and legal representation referral
* Auto & General is an authorised Insurer & FSP. Ts & Cs apply.
Milverton insure home assist

If you are looking to work for Milverton, please take a look at our career portal and send us your CV here
