Milverton Securities & Financial Services Inc Keeping you safe, securing your assets Tue, 11 Feb 2025 12:47:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Milverton Securities & Financial Services Inc 32 32 Things that go bump in the night Tue, 11 Feb 2025 12:46:09 +0000 A Sedgefield resident was startled this past weekend (Saturday, 8 February) by strange noises coming from his yard between 22:00 and 23:00. After finding nothing amiss, he returned to bed, only to wake in the early hours of the morning to discover that his storeroom had been broken into and items stolen. Upon closer inspection […]

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A Sedgefield resident was startled this past weekend (Saturday, 8 February) by strange noises coming from his yard between 22:00 and 23:00. After finding nothing amiss, he returned to bed, only to wake in the early hours of the morning to discover that his storeroom had been broken into and items stolen.

Upon closer inspection later in the morning, it became apparent that both storerooms had been vandalised. The resident immediately contacted Milverton ADT and reported the incident to the local SAPS.

Thanks to swift action by the community and security officers, some stolen items were recovered from nearby bushes. A vigilant neighbour informed officers that they had spotted a potential suspect carrying a television and attempting to board a bus. Officer Lee-Roy Baaitjies from Milverton ADT, who attended the scene, recognised the bus in question and alerted SAPS to contact the driver. The bus driver confirmed seeing the suspect but noted that the individual had fled after dropping the television when the bus stopped. The television was later found in the bushes.

Milverton ADT Garden Route Branch Manager, Ivor Claasen, praised the teamwork involved: “We commend the community, Officer Baaitjies, and the local SAPS for their cooperation. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, we recovered stolen equipment worth R33,000.”

Claasen urged residents to immediately contact their security provider if they hear suspicious noises. “It’s important to call trained professionals who can assess the risk and support you. You never know whether suspects may be armed,” he concluded.

This collaborative effort highlights the value of vigilance and strong community ties in crime prevention.

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New trend alert – Criminals use “Fishing” Method Thu, 06 Feb 2025 11:09:07 +0000 “We cannot allow bad elements to take advantage of our communities,” says Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing & Communications,Milverton ADT. Criminals continue to find new ways to commit theft, focusing on areas of vulnerability to strike. A concerning new modus operandi has emerged in Nelspruit where suspects are using “The Fishing Method“ to steal […]

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“We cannot allow bad elements to take advantage of our communities,” says Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing & Communications,Milverton ADT.

Criminals continue to find new ways to commit theft, focusing on areas of vulnerability to strike. A concerning new modus operandi has emerged in Nelspruit where suspects are using “The Fishing Method“ to steal items through open windows.

Suspects have used a rod or pole to steal laptops and phones through open windows. Hattingh says with the hot summer weather a number of residents leave their windows open with valuables such as laptops and phones on tables close to windows. Criminals are taking advantage of this. There have been three reported incidents in the last two weeks in the Nelspruit area.

While these incidents usually begin locally, such tactics can spread quickly, making this a relevant concern for all homeowners.

Hattingh says perimeter security and access control remain the first and most powerful line of defence. “We urge all homeowners to consider installing outdoor detection devices and perimeter security to reduce the chances of criminals reaching your property and gaining access to your home. It needs to be seen as an investment not only in your assets but in your family too. Fortunately, technology, like CCTV for example, has evolved immensely over the last few years making it more affordable and more advanced than ever before

Hattingh says outdoor detection beams can be strategically placed around your property which will trigger the alarm before a criminal has the chance to get to the actual house.

She points out that if you are considering a wall-top electric fence, make sure that the right fence is used as well as the right installer. “The effectiveness of these fences can be compromised if the wrong fence is selected and the installation done incorrectly. Choosing the correct installer is crucial.”

Hattingh asks residents to report any suspicious activity to the SAPS or security providers in the area.

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Beware of increased theft of beams and Gate Motors in your area Wed, 05 Feb 2025 12:44:37 +0000 Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing & Communications for Milverton ADT, is urging residents in Pretoria to be extra security conscious following the increase of theft of beams and theft of gate motors in the area. “We have received numerous reports from homeowners stating that their outdoor detection beams have been stolen in Waterkloof Glen, […]

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Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing & Communications for Milverton ADT, is urging residents in Pretoria to be extra security conscious following the increase of theft of beams and theft of gate motors in the area.

“We have received numerous reports from homeowners stating that their outdoor detection beams have been stolen in Waterkloof Glen, Rooihuiskraal, Doornkloof, Centurion, The Moot, and surrounding areas. These are opportunistic criminals who are constantly moving and targeting different areas. We want to alert all residents and ensure that security measures are ramped up,” she says.

Hattingh says residents need to check their perimeter security as well as their house security. “Cut back any trees or bushes around your perimeter wall and make sure that your gate has security measures in place such as locks on the motor etc. It is also a good idea to test your alarms and panic buttons to make sure all are in good working order. This should be done outside peak times,” she adds.

Criminals often target outdoor detection beams, not only to make it easier for them to break into your home later but also as a means to sell them for some extra cash. Criminals know that many homeowners do not activate their outdoor beams when they are home. This makes them easy pickings.

We are urging all our residents to safeguard their outdoor detection beams to keep you safer. homeowners can install a bracket over your beam to delay criminals. Make sure to always activate your alarm, and especially your outdoor beams. These outdoor beams act as an early warning detection system and offer valuable time to security companies responding to your emergency.

She offered the following safety tips:

  • Always arm your alarm, and especially your outdoor beams when you are at home
  • Make sure to test your alarm and beams regularly to pick up if any of them are faulty
  • Report stolen beams or other small items to the police
  • Make sure to keep yourself safe by using your alarm all the time
  • If you have outdoor pets, or if something is setting off your alarm beams frequently make sure to check what is causing the issue. It could be a tree blowing in the wind or rodents and insects

“Let’s all be vigilant and work together to bring these incidents to an end,” she concludes.

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LOVE BEING SAFE AS YOU TAKE AIM WITH CUPID’S ARROW Tue, 04 Feb 2025 11:43:45 +0000 The gift of love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and then leave it in the cupboard to take care of itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it. These wise words from John Lennon sit well during this ‘Month of Love’ […]

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The gift of love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and then leave it in the cupboard to take care of itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it.

These wise words from John Lennon sit well during this ‘Month of Love’ as couples, friends and families (and retailers) embrace everything starry-eyed and romantic.

Charnel Hattingh, Milverton ADT’s Group Head of Marketing and Communications, adapts Lennon’s words to relate to personal safety and security, saying peace of mind that you and your loved ones are safe and secure is also a gift – that can only keep giving if it’s looked after.

“By being vigilant we are keeping each other safe, by installing proper home security solutions, such as surveillance cameras, fire alarm systems and 24/7 security monitoring, we show we care and by making good safety habits part of our routine, we demonstrate how precious our loved ones are to us.

“Security is a topic the whole family must be involved in; neighbours too. You must work as a team to keep your home and neighbourhood safe. This type of active citizenry is very evident in many suburbs today, with residents taking charge of cleaning up and communicating crime trends on WhatsApp groups.

“It’s wonderful to see. Milverton ADT 100% supports the fact that a cleaner city is a safer city. By being involved in these initiatives and taking security seriously, you also show a love for your community.”

Hattingh also brings the topic of personal safety into sharp focus for all the love birds planning an unforgettable Valentine’s Day (February 14), whether at home or elsewhere.

Here are some common-sense safety tips:

  • As alluring as they are, candles are naked flames. Make sure they are spaced out on stable surfaces clear of curtains, beds and places where they are likely to be bumped over. Never leave candles unattended and put them out before you go to sleep.
  • Bubbles and other alcoholic drinks will more than likely be served, but keep an eye on your consumption. A dream date can rapidly turn into a nightmare through alcohol. You could fall, start an argument or leave yourself vulnerable on a journey home. Don’t drink and drive after any amount of alcohol consumption.
  • Don’t share your plans on social media, announcing you’re going out. You never know who may take this opportunity to break into your house.
  • If you’re going to a restaurant, book ahead and plan safe routes/means of transport there and back to prevent unnecessary confusion. Know exactly what your plans are and stick to them to stay safe.
  • If it’s an all-girl Valentine’s Day date, travel as a group, stay together at all times and leave and get home together. A few simple ground rules, despite the fact you’re all adults, can keep everyone safe.

“Celebrate the Month of Love and Valentine’s Day safely by being smart and balancing indulgence with restraint.

“You want these memories to last for the right reasons, so love yourself, your partner, friends and family enough to have that safety chat, check the doors, arm the alarm and ask your neighbour to keep an eye on things while you’re out.

“Have a happy and safe Valentine’s Day!” Hattingh concludes.

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The importance of vetting anyone that works on your property. Mon, 03 Feb 2025 08:29:42 +0000 Home security relies on systems and measures that keep risks and unwanted visitors out. With the new year kicking off, now is a perfect time to test that all these systems are in place. Armed response company Milverton ADT says this is also the time of year when many homeowners might consider some much-needed renovations. […]

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Home security relies on systems and measures that keep risks and unwanted visitors out. With the new year kicking off, now is a perfect time to test that all these systems are in place. Armed response company Milverton ADT says this is also the time of year when many homeowners might consider some much-needed renovations.

“We encourage you to first do proper research into any contractor you allow onto the property or into the homes to do any work. You should be sure that any contract worker, cleaner, construction worker, or builder is trustworthy before they are granted access, says the company’s group head of communications and marketing, Charnel Hattingh.

“The people you have employed to work in your house or on your property form a vital line of defense in the fight against crime. You need to know that you can trust them with your property while you are away,” says Hattingh.

“Doing appropriate background checks before hiring them may seem like a time-consuming exercise but could make all the difference to your home security. Often in cases of break-ins and house robberies, inside information has been shared with criminals,” she says.

Hattingh recommends starting with a criminal record check which can be obtained through the SAPS, with the potential employee or contractor’s consent.

Previous employers can also provide useful references. “Ask questions about dismissals, responsibilities, any security issues, and punctuality. This will give you a good idea of the person’s track record,” Hattingh says.

She also suggests that employees are not allowed to give access to the property to anyone they do not know. Only if you have granted permission for them to come onto your property, and if their identity has been confirmed, should they be given any access.

“Consider enrolling any employees who may be working for you for an extended period in local crime-prevention forums which take place in most neighbourhoods every month. These are often arranged by the SAPS or community members and teach valuable crime-prevention and safety tips,” concludes Hattingh.

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Weekend residential robberies in Centurion are on the increase Wed, 22 Jan 2025 15:29:16 +0000 Following a recent spate of house robberies in the Centurion area, Milverton ADT has issued a warning to homeowners to remain vigilant, particularly over weekends. Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing & Communications for Milverton ADT, reported that six incidents were recorded in the past week alone. The affected suburbs include Lyttelton, Doornkloof, Wierdapark, Eldoraigne, […]

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Following a recent spate of house robberies in the Centurion area, Milverton ADT has issued a warning to homeowners to remain vigilant, particularly over weekends.

Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing & Communications for Milverton ADT, reported that six incidents were recorded in the past week alone. The affected suburbs include Lyttelton, Doornkloof, Wierdapark, Eldoraigne, and surrounding areas.

“We are noticing a shift in modus operandi, with suspects targeting homes during weekends when residents are at home and their alarm systems are not activated. The suspects often scout the area under the guise of seeking accommodation, and when homeowners open their doors, they are held at gunpoint,” Hattingh explained.

“How you react when faced with a nervous, gun-toting criminal can save your life, or cost you your life. All family members need to know what to do if uninvited guests come through the door intent on robbing you, or worse.”

6 tips of what to do in an armed robbery:

  1. Stay calm and obey the robbers’ orders.
  2. Keep your hands visible and don’t reach for anything unless told to do so.
  3. Don’t try to negotiate with them. Speak when spoken to and do so clearly.
  4. Give them what they ask for and don’t lie about safes or cash in the home. In all likelihood, the robbers have done their homework.
  5. Observe the robbers and try to gather information on their appearances, voices, language used, etc. Look at clothing, distinguishing marks, height and types of weapons, for example.
  6. Keep them informed so there are no surprises, like a family member arriving for a visit.


  • Press your panic button/phone to alert your armed response service provider and/or phone the police on 10111. Say if you need medical assistance.
  • Lock all doors.
  • Check on the victims. Keep everyone calm.
  • Relate the incident clearly and in detail to the first responders.
  • Try not to disturb areas the robbers were in and point out anything they may have left behind.
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BE YOUR OWN HERO BY BEING VIGILANT ON YOUR COMMUTER AND AT WORK Wed, 22 Jan 2025 15:25:43 +0000 Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go! Yes, the December break is over for many of us and the wheels of the working world are slowly starting to grind again. The laid-back holiday period has hopefully left you feeling refreshed and ready for the challenges ahead. Yet, often, getting back into routine […]

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Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go! Yes, the December break is over for many of us and the wheels of the working world are slowly starting to grind again.

The laid-back holiday period has hopefully left you feeling refreshed and ready for the challenges ahead. Yet, often, getting back into routine at home and work at the start of the year can feel like climbing a mountain.

Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Marketing & Communications for Milverton ADT, says just like mountaineering, you need the right mindset, tools and awareness to conquer 2025 safely on your commute and at the workplace.

“Life is very unpredictable, so we find comfort in routine, which is a good thing. However, routine can also make us complacent, and in a workplace this can be hazardous,” she says.

“The same goes for commuting. A humdrum routine each day can make you overly relaxed and forgetful of what’s actually going on around you. There are hazards to commuting, whether walking, taking a bus or taxi or driving a car. We must remain alert at all times.

“Regardless of how confident and comfortable you with your daily commute and workplace tasks, it’s imperative to avoid complacency.”

Hattingh also reiterates that personal safety is each person’s own responsibility. In addition, everyone has a role to play in crime fighting by being the eyes and ears of the police and related bodies, like private security companies and the CPF, and reporting suspicious activity or persons.

5 crime trends to be aware of when commuting:

  1. Taxi robbers often pose as passengers.
  2. Smash and grabs are still rife at various intersections across United Kingdom. Be aware of hotspots and if you drive these routes, make sure all valuables are out of sight. Don’t talk on your cellphone with the window down; this is like taking candy off a baby for a snatch-and-go criminal.
  3. Rather walk in groups and keep your eyes peeled for suspicious people loitering nearby. If you are approached by an attacker who wants to rob you of your belongings, scream loudly to attract attention. Carry pepper spray or a taser and keep your cellphone out of sight.
  4. Be aware of your surroundings when leaving and coming home. Don’t pull into your driveway if you see a strange car or people loitering nearby. Rather drive to a safe place and report it for your security company to investigate.
  5. Learners walking to and from school must avoid talking to strangers, no matter what they say their ‘emergency’ is. Also, don’t walk with earphones in and your cellphone out.

With regard to workplace safety, Hattingh says familiarity here can start to develop into an overly relaxed attitude.

“All workplaces should have proper emergency protocols in place that are well communicated to all staff so that in the event of an emergency of any kind, everyone knows what to do and not do.

“In line with occupational health and safety compliance, companies must have crisis response crews made up of staff who are responsible for health and safety and being the first responders in the event of any emergency.

“Another thing not to be overlooked is first aid and emergency care in the workplace. Accidents happen quickly and are never planned. The health and safety team needs to be ready to administer immediate care and first aid until professional help arrives.

“Staff unsure of their company’s emergency protocols should ask a manager for clarity.”

Hatting adds that a security system linked to an armed response service can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency situation.

Since even the most secure workplaces can become targets for criminals, Milverton ADT recommends these types of security systems to help keep premises and staff safe:

  • Business surveillance systems
  • 24/7 security monitoring
  • Surveillance cameras
  • Fire alarm systems
  • Access control systems

“Keep yourself and your loved ones out of harm’s way this year by practising vigilance as part of your daily routine. Being extra observant on your commute and in and around the office can avert injuries or falling victim to criminals. Cheers to a safe 2025!” Hattingh concludes.

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Ten Steps to a Safer and More Secure 2025. Wed, 22 Jan 2025 15:21:53 +0000 With the start 2025, it is time to put some thought into how you will live better and be better in the new year. “This is the perfect chance to think of all the ways in which you go about your daily business. These New Year’s resolutions should include ways to live safer and more […]

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With the start 2025, it is time to put some thought into how you will live better and be better in the new year.

“This is the perfect chance to think of all the ways in which you go about your daily business. These New Year’s resolutions should include ways to live safer and more secure, “ says Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Communications and Marketing at Milverton ADT.

She recommends ten easy steps when drawing up your security New Year’s resolutions:

  • Join a suburb WhatsApp group. This is an easy way to stay on top of trends in your suburb and street and to get help in an emergency. All the area’s security companies and members of the CPF are in these groups and can quickly react to suspicious activity or emergencies.
  • Get to know your neighbours. Safer suburbs start with communication between residents. Your neighbours can keep an eye on your property if you are away or at work, and vice versa. They can also easily spot something out of place if they know your daily routines.
  • Invest in more outdoor security systems. Good home security starts with a secure perimeter, which then needs to be supported by proper security on the actual property (garden, entertainment areas, garden shed). Electric fencing, outdoor beams, CCTV, and sensor lights are proven deterrents.
  • Be more vigilant. Talk to the family about things like leaving and arriving home, locking doors and security gates, being cautious of strangers at the gate and knowing what to do in an emergency. Everyone should know how to reach their security company and the police quickly by phone or by using the alarm system and panic buttons.
  • Have a security assessment done. Advice from a security expert can help you decide on security to suit your lifestyle and living spaces. Technology has evolved tremendously to complement modern homes and lifestyles while keeping criminals at bay and getting you the right help when you need it most. Options that might have been prohibitively expensive a few years ago, are now entirely affordable.
  • Learn basic self-defence. Enrol in a self-defence class to build confidence and learn techniques that can help protect you in dangerous situations.
  • Practice safe driving. Commit to avoiding distractions while driving, obeying speed limits, and never driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Create an emergency plan. Develop and practice an emergency plan with your family, including evacuation routes and meeting points in case of a fire, natural disaster, or other emergencies. Ensure you have a well-stocked first aid kit at home, in your car, and at work. Learn basic first aid and CPR.
  • Stay physically fit. Regular exercise can improve your overall health and make you more capable of handling physical challenges or emergencies.
  • Limit sharing personal information online. Be mindful of the information you share on social media and other online platforms to protect your privacy and avoid identity theft.

“Start the year on a fresh new – and safe – slate. Look for ways of living safer and consider things that can keep your loved ones more secure. It is exactly the kind of New Year’s resolutions we should all think about,” says Hattingh.

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Back to school 2025 – Safety tips of parents and caregivers. Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:21:54 +0000 This year saw the academic year for public schools in both inland and coastal provinces starting and ending on the same day where learners returned to school benches on Wednesday 15 January 2025. “We wish all learners the best for the new year, especially those who are going to school for the first time. We […]

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This year saw the academic year for public schools in both inland and coastal provinces starting and ending on the same day where learners returned to school benches on Wednesday 15 January 2025.

“We wish all learners the best for the new year, especially those who are going to school for the first time. We hope you enjoy every moment of it,” says Charnel Hattingh, Group Head of Communications and Marketing at the Milverton Securities & Financial Services Inc.

“Parents and caregivers are most certainly worried about their kids safely making it to school and back. There are thankfully personal security tips we believe parents can follow to make a difference in the safety of their children and to give everyone peace of mind. It boils down to making sure your children know exactly how to avoid possible danger, and also what they must do in case something bad happens to them,” said Hattingh.

She recommends:

  • Remember, your parents would never send someone you don’t know to fetch you. Never get into a stranger’s car even if they claim someone you love is hurt and that they are supposed to pick you up. It is a good idea to consider using a password system to ensure the person collecting you is in fact a friend of your parents or someone you can trust.
  • Children must always walk to or from school with a friend or friends. If your child walks alone, it’s a good idea to ask a teacher or other parents if they know of other children from the area who do the same. Some towns have started “walking buses”, where local parents volunteer to walk to and from school with a group of schoolchildren to assure their safety.
  • Stick to streets you know and never take shortcuts through unfamiliar or quiet areas.
  • If you get picked up at school, always wait inside the grounds for your lift to arrive; do not leave the premises to go and look for them in the street.
  • If a stranger approaches you, do not talk to them no matter how friendly they may seem. If someone tries to grab you, fight, kick and scream that they are not your mom or dad.

In some cases, children will have to see themselves to and from school and keep occupied until mom and dad return home in the evening.

“It is important that children know not to let anyone into the house without your permission. If you are going to be late, let your children know as soon as possible and give them an idea of when they can expect you to be home,” said Hattingh.

She suggested drawing up a list of important telephone numbers.

“This list must include emergency services and mom and dad’s work and cellphone numbers. Save it on your child’s phone and stick it on or near the landline. It’s also important to explain to them when these should be used,” she said.

Hattingh added that everyone in the household should also know how to use your home security system, children included, and when and how to use the panic buttons.

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CHILDREN HOME ALONE NEED TO PUT SAFETY FIRST Wed, 04 Dec 2024 11:44:39 +0000 The 1990 box office comedy Home Alone remains a family favourite over the festive season. It’s about the adventures of Kevin McCallister (played by Macaulay Culkin), an eight-year-old boy who is inadvertently left behind when his parents go to France and who ends up having to fend for himself against a pair of bungling burglars. What unfolds […]

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The 1990 box office comedy Home Alone remains a family favourite over the festive season. It’s about the adventures of Kevin McCallister (played by Macaulay Culkin), an eight-year-old boy who is inadvertently left behind when his parents go to France and who ends up having to fend for himself against a pair of bungling burglars.

What unfolds is a series of hilarious antics as Kevin rigs the house with handmade booby traps and carries out all sorts of other plans to fool the burglars.

While the movie makes for great comic relief, many children will find themselves home alone at this time of the year as schools close and mom and dad are still working.

Any child in this situation could also be confronted with burglars or strangers at the gate. Parents must take all precautions to ensure the safety of their children this festive season, says Charnel Hattingh, Milverton ADT’s Group Head of Marketing and Communications.

“Apart from a criminal element, there are other dangers that lurk around the home, like a fire breaking out or a medical emergency. If children are entirely alone at home parents must cover all possible scenarios and have some form of all-day security monitoring to make sure they stay safe.

“If a domestic worker or au pair is responsible for the children, they need to be on the same page when it comes to security protocols and know how to administer immediate care and first aid, for example.”

The basics of home security, Hattingh elaborates, includes things like remote security monitoring through a reputable security company, secure access solutions and fire detection systems.

Children and their caregivers must be schooled in the use of the home’s security system and know what to do and who to contact in an emergency.

“One of the most important things to reiterate is not opening the gate for strangers, no matter who they say they are. If your child is going to have food or anything else delivered, bear in mind these delivery bikers are often targeted by criminals. A gate opening to accept the delivery is just the gap criminals need to get onto your property,” Hattingh warns.

“A proper access control system allows parents to see who is at the gate and home security solutions today also have the capacity for you to see everything going on in and around your home 24/7, which is great peace of mind for parents.”

7 other safety tips to communicate to children:

  1. Don’t walk in the street or mall with your phone out and especially not with headphones on. Be alert at all times!
  2. Go out in groups and always make secure arrangements when it comes to being dropped off and getting home again.
  3. Don’t engage with strangers. A common modus operandi involves a woman asking a child walking home from school if she can use their phone for an emergency call and then jumping into a waiting car and speeding off, phone in hand.
  4. Security gates must be locked at home at all times and the key removed.
  5. Know how to activate the alarm in areas of the house you’re not using, and also activate garden beams when alone at home.
  6. Have emergency numbers saved on speed dial.
  7. Tell mom or dad if you see a suspicious car or people in your street. They can phone your security company to come and investigate.

“Another big factor regarding children’s safety at home is swimming pools. Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death in young children.

“We should teach young children that water can be dangerous, just like cars. Tell them not to go near the water without a grown-up, just like you don’t cross the street without a grown-up. It is dangerous. You should regularly reinforce this message the way you do all other household rules,” says Hattingh.

She reminds parents that their children are precious gifts and that while everyone wants to relax over the festive season, you should never relax personal safety and security routines.

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